The power of proactivity – Embracing an ownership mindset

Unleash innovation, ignite creativity and lead impactful change by seizing the initiative. Elevate your skills in taking the lead with practical insights for a successful and fulfilling journey in today’s dynamic workplace.



Target: Leaders, Employees
Audience: Team, Organization
Workspace: Online, Hybrid, Offline
Duration: 2 x 0.5 days

In this programme you will learn how to

  • explore the role of proactivity at work
  • leveraging resources effectively for proactive efforts
  • align your expectations with the company’s vision
  • expand your impact using the Circle of Influence framework
  • confront and conquer the fear of failure.

Navigate expectations

You will learn how to balance company expectations and personal goals. Understand how your expectations align with the company’s, making it easier for you to be proactive. You will use the Circle of Influence framework to expand your impact.

Seek lasting solutions

You will explore how to master information gathering within the company. With information as your valuable ally, you can effectively enhance your proactive efforts.

Implement change

Craft an actionable plan for proactive behaviour. Participants will focus on overcoming inertia and setting daily goals. You will reflect on your strengths and areas for improvement to deliver an action plan that drives lasting change.

Conquer fear

Face the fear of failure head-on. You’ll learn practical strategies to overcome anxiety and develop a growth mindset that fosters ongoing self-improvement.

Define limits

Understand when to take proactive action within company norms. Participants will navigate the balance between personal initiative and company policies, to identify chances for innovation that work within boundaries.

Take charge

Initiate action in the face of uncertainty. You will embrace the power of initiative to boost  your personal growth and the organisation’s success. Real-life examples will inspire your first steps.

Build strong connections

Create a resilient support network with mentors and allies. By developing communication skills for effective engagement, your connections will amplify your proactive impact.